3rd Dreghorn Brownies
Open to all girls aged 7-10 years
What are the Brownies?
Brownies are a sub section of Girl guiding UK which enables girls and young women to develop their potential and make a difference to the world.
The aim of guiding is to help girls and young women develop emotionally, mentally physically and spiritually so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.
Brownies is the section for girls aged seven to ten.
Each Brownie will become a member of a six such as Badger, Fox,Hedgehog and Rabbit. They follow a schedule called the Brownie programme. This is where they can gain skill builder and interest badges that make up themes such as "Skills for my Future", "Express Myself" and "Know myself", teaching the girls to be themselves, being happy as they are gaining confidence and raising self-esteem.
Girls can participate in a wide range of activities during meetings, such as arts and crafts, themed nights (chosen by the brownies's themselves), learning traditional brownie games and songs and enjoying Halloween and Christmas parties.
Every year the Brownies attend county events, sleepovers and pack holiday weekends. Last year they went to Lapwing Lodge for the weekend and it was such a success they will be returning again.
The girls work towards theme badges including interest badges and skill builders. They can range from Aviation, Archaeology, First Aid and Performer.
If you would like to register your daughter for Brownies, click on the link and when asked for a choice, pick '3rd Dreghorn Brownies'
Hazel McSorley
Unit Leader
3rd Dreghorn Brownies
Phone number 07775827563
Details of Sessions