
Millennium Committee


The Millenium Committee was formed in 1998 to organise and co-ordinate the Millenium celebrations of Dreghorn & Springside Parish Church. As the events proved so popular and well attended, the Millenium Committee continued to arrange the main social activities of the Church.

The first event in 2000 was a special Communion Service to welcome the new Millenium. A commemorative scroll and a special communian card were created to mark the occasion.

This was then followed in February by a Burns' Night held in the Church Hall.

Other events during 2000 included:

  • A family trip to Arran.

  • The Flower Festival and Arts & Craft Fair, probably the most adventurous event of the year. The event was held in the church and hall over a three day period

  • An Easter Songs of Praise in Greenwood Academy was such a success, that Greenwood Brass Band continued with this for many subsequent years. 

  • A trip to New Lanark in October 2000 attended by 88 Church members who enjoyed a buffet in Kirkton Church in Carluke. Helen Jamieson of 
    St Andrews Church welcomed the party. A songs of praise followed involving 3 other churches.

A Ceilidh held in November and a Communion Service rounded off the year on 31 December

Since that first year the committee have been very busy organising events every year including:

2012 Royal Wedding Service, including hymns and music which were used during the Wedding itself. Ladies dressed in their wedding finery, some gentleman wore kilts and the Sunday School children made their own designer top hats and fascinators.

The service was followed by a reception in the Church Hall with a delicious buffet lunch and pink lemonade.
A retiring collection raised £400 for CHAS. 
The Quiz Night was held in aid of Leukaemia Research and Kidney Kids
2001  A Garden Party held in the grounds of Annick Lodge, a major event beginning with a two hour musical festival and ending with a buffet and a rousing ceilidh
2002 January – A trip to the Pantomime             
August – A trip to Oban, Mull and, almost, Iona!! Due to Force 9 gales the sail to Iona was cancelled and Communion was held in Mull.
2003 March - An Anniversary Lunch with entertainment to celebrate the 10thanniversary of the union of Dreghorn churches
A trip to Iona with Communion held in the Abbey
2004 A trip along the Clyde on the Waverley  
A Hogmanay Dance

Trip to the Edinburgh Tattoo
A Cheese & Wine Quiz Night in aid of the Organ fund

2006 A Children’s Songs of Praise in aid of Robyn House
The first Hogmanay Ceilidh
2007 Car Treasure Hunt
Quiz night in aid of Irvine Cancer Care
The second Hogmanay Ceilidh
2008 The third Hogmanay Ceilidh
2009 Quiz night in aid of The Lighthouse Foundation, a local drug rehabilitation centre
The forth Hogmanay Ceilidh
2010 A Burns Supper to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first Burns Supper
The Quiz Night, held in aid of Hollybush House, a centre for traumatised service men & women.
2011 Royal Wedding Service, including hymns and music which were used during the Wedding itself. Ladies dressed in their wedding finery, some gentleman wore kilts and the Sunday School children made their own designer top hats and fascinators.

The service was followed by a reception in the Church Hall with a delicious buffet lunch and pink lemonade.

A retiring collection raised £400 for CHAS. The Quiz Night was held in aid of Leukaemia Research and Kidney Kids

Over the proceeding years, annual quiz nights have been held and other events at which everyone was welcome to attend.  The Committee is at present reviewing its activities and membership and we hope to have a future diary of events in place soon.